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Through leadership in college you will have the opportunity to practice important transferable skills such as organization, team building, interpersonal communication, and more. If you strive to be a leader on your campus, here are some places to start:


Apply to be a resident assistant

As a resident assistant, you will build a community for students on your floor. You will be able to serve as a positive resource helping people adjust to college life and resolve conflicts. This job also usually results in free or reduced cost in housing, so it’s a win-win.


Become an orientation leader

Orientation leaders help incoming students become acquainted with the campus. It can be a lot of work in a short amount of time, but you will still gain valuable leadership skills and positively impact others.


Apply for a job on campus

Some examples include giving campus tours, tutoring classmates, or even working in the student activities office. You may even want to approach your favorite professors and see if they have any TA or research opportunities. There are so many different job opportunities; here’s an article all about different positions you can hold on campus!


Get involved with student government

This is possibly the most obvious way to gain leadership skills in college. By holding a leadership position, you will be able to sit in on meetings where you can learn the ropes and propose ways to make a difference at your school.


Run for a leadership role in a club or organization

No matter if you hope to be president of your sorority/fraternity, captain of the swim team, or the head of the photography club on campus, you can still acquire valuable skills by being a leader on a smaller scale. By running for a leadership position within your campus community, you will have the chance to take your ideas for the club and put them into action!


Take a course on leadership

Yes, they even have classes you can take on being a leader! Most courses include valuable lessons on goal setting, effective communication, decision-making, time management skills, and strategies to implement change. This may make the perfect elective, providing you with skills that you will take with you long after you graduate.


Start your own student organization

Although there are tons of things to get involved with in college, you may find that the perfect opportunity you for doesn’t exist. If that’s the case, you should consider creating your own student organization. The student life/activities office can provide more information on what you’ll need to start an organization. This is a great opportunity to make a lasting impact on your campus!


Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a natural born leader, it’s worth exploring opportunities to develop your leadership skills. It also helps to explore your values. What do you feel passionately about? Chances are, you are more likely to grow into your role as a leader if you are advocating for something you believe in. For more information, read this article all about discovering your passions.