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Transferable skills are the abilities you develop through your experiences and can be applied to a work environment. Some examples of transferable skills include leadership, time management, integrity, problem solving, teamwork, communication, and data analysis. Now, why are these skills important and how can you cultivate them in a college environment?

Why Transferable Skills are Important

You already have them

You likely already have transferable skills just by simply experiencing the world around you. No matter if you change your major or switch your career down the road, you will take your transferable skills with you. This should give you confidence as you apply for an entry-level position after graduation. You are likely more prepared for a new job than you think!

They can help you land a job

Even if you don’t match all the requirements for a job description, your transferable skills can help you land the position. Once you realize these innate aptitudes make you the worker that you are today, you’ll know how to market yourself to employers. When applying for a job, you may be compared to people who have similar backgrounds as you. Pinpoint your instinctive talents, and let that set you apart from other applicants.


How to Gain Transferable Skills

Join clubs and organizations

You probably were already planning to get involved on-campus because it will open you up to new people and experiences. I bet you didn’t think about how it will help prepare you for your life post-graduation! Being a part of a club, you may find yourself in a position organizing fundraisers, community service, and other projects. And if you hold a leadership role, you will learn all about being influence, public speaking, recruitment, and budget management.

Apply for an internship

Real-world experience, y’all! Not only will you gain work experience in your desired field, but you will also get to see how your transferable skills are applied to a real-life work environment. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your skills, gain a mentor, and add some real estate to your resume. Another added plus: many internships are paid!

Take your group projects seriously

Coordinating a group project can result in a hot mess of unequal work, miscommunication, and unspoken resentment, but they can be a great learning opportunity. You will gain experience in adopting both roles: leader and follower. Focus on cultivating your ability to delegate tasks, build relationships, and contribute to a team. For more tips, read this guide to group projects.

Become a tutor

Many college students become TAs or work for tutoring centers at their school. This is a great on-campus job that will lead to all sorts of skills including communication, education, collaboration, relationship building, and leadership.


Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself, and don’t downplay the talents that you have! No matter how you gain transferable skills in college, you can turn them into marketable qualities that will boost your resume.