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Maybe it’s your dreaded 8:00 AM class or it’s your 3 hour night class. Either way, your professor’s voice has never sounded so soothing, and before you know it, you’re drifting off into a deep slumber. We’ve all battled the difficulty of staying awake during class at one point in our lives. Stay alert and productive with these tips!

1. Take a shower beforehand

Showering before class will certainly wake you up… if you do it the right way. If you want your morning shower to spark invigoration, you need to make an adjustment to the temperature at the end of your shower. Once you’ve finished your cleaning routine, turn the water to the coldest setting and stand under the stream for 30 seconds. Sound uncomfortable? It totally is, but it works.

2. Drink cold water

Because your body is made up mostly of water, it is important to replenish your fluids daily. Dehydration leads to fatigue because it impacts the flow of oxygen to your bodily organs, including your brain. When your heart has to work harder to pump oxygen throughout your body, your energy drains. To stay animated, drink water when you wake up and bring a water bottle to your classes.

3. Bring a snack

Though the act of chewing your food will work to keep you awake, what you eat is also an important factor. There are some foods that do wonders for your energy levels, including apples, almonds, dark chocolate, eggs, whole grains, citrus fruits, coconut, greek yogurt, kale, and ginger tea. For more information, check out our must-have snacks for studying!

4. Take a bathroom break

If you feel yourself starting to snooze, take a quick bathroom break. By standing and walking around a little bit, you will get the blood circulating again. Take a stretch, splash some water on your face, whatever it takes! Sometimes the solution to staying awake in class is as simple as that.

5. Pay attention to pressure points

A few subtle places for you to add pressure: you earlobes, your wrists, and the back of your neck. Even pressing against something cold (the metal of your desk, your computer, etc.) will help you from snoozing. You may also want to think about your posture and the way you sit. Slouching may make it easier for you fall asleep, so try rolling your shoulders back and sitting up straight.

6. Participate in class

Concentrate on the lesson at hand. Try to think of as many questions as you can and ask away! If there is a chance for discussion, engage with your peers around you. The more you focus on the class work, the less likely you will doze off.

7. Sit in the front row

By sitting in the front of the lecture hall, you will be able to stay sharp knowing that your professor is so close. It will also be easier for you to pay attention and participate. If verbally participating isn’t your style, write super detailed notes. This is another way to guarantee you are engrossed in the lesson and staying awake in class.

8. Don’t browse the web

Though scrolling through social media and shopping online may keep you awake, you aren’t going to gain any new knowledge by doing so. If you are going to put in the effort to attend lecture, you might as well try to stay focused. By purposely slacking off, it’s like you weren’t even there to begin with!

9. Consider Aromatherapy

You’ve probably heard that the aroma of lavender can help you fall asleep. Well, there are other smells that work to do the opposite, keeping you energized. Some of these scents include citrus, peppermint, rosemary, and eucalyptus. Before your yawns get out of control, sneak a quick whiff!

10. Avoid energy drinks

It’s tempting to reach for caffeinated drinks to kick-start the day, but too much caffeine can lead to insomnia, restlessness, irritability, a fast heartbeat, and an upset stomach. Not to mention the comedown will make you crash hard. Rather than hoping for a quick fix with caffeine, form healthy sleep habits (counting in at least 6-9 hours every night).


Sometimes drowsiness cannot be avoided. No matter the reason you feel your eyes drooping in class, hopefully these tricks will help you remain attentive in your studies. If not, you may want to reevaluate your sleep schedule and do your best to receive a full night’s rest. By keeping your dreams at night, you will have an easier time staying awake when you need to the most!