As a high school junior, it can be stressful and overwhelming to think about your future. Put yourself at ease by making an appointment with your school counselor. They will be happy to guide you through this process. If you’re not sure where to begin, ask some of these questions!
Am I on track to graduate?
You should be asking this question every year you check in with your high school counselor. Before you put a ton of work into college planning and test prep, check on your graduation status. Your school counselor will be able to quickly check your schedule and transcripts to let you know where you stand.
Which electives do you recommend for me?
As a high school junior, use this time to push yourself in your studies. In one year, you will be juggling classes and college apps. For that reason, consider taking a challenging course load now. Your counselor can evaluate your transcripts and assist you in creating a balanced schedule: a bit challenging, but nothing too demanding.
How should I study for the ACT/SAT?
Many high school juniors start prepping and signing up for the ACT or SAT. Your high school counselor may have some prep materials with strategies to help you practice. Don’t forget to ask about fee waivers. We also recommend ACT’s test prep resources and Khan Academy for SAT prep. They are both free resources!
Are there any college planning sessions or college fairs I can attend?
Many high schools will have college planning events or college fairs for students to attend. They can serve as a great jumping-off point in beginning your college search. The more prepping you do as a high school junior, your college application process will run much smoother during senior year.
What are my options if I don’t feel like college is right for me?
There is no set path to success. If a four-year college doesn’t feel like the right track for you, then inquire about other options! Some of these options include community college, certificate programs, trade schools, gap years, and more!
By asking these questions as a high school junior, you can ensure a productive school year. Don’t forget to thank your school counselor for all their help and hard work!