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With the new year right around the corner, you’ve probably had time to reflect on the resolutions you made this past January. Whether or not you’ve stayed true to your goals from the beginning of the year, there’s no question that New Year’s resolutions can be challenging to fulfill. We’ve compiled a list of ways to help you stay on target for the year to come!

1. Think about why

Think about your intentions. Is the resolution you are setting coming from a place of passion and self love? Or is it coming from a place of insecurity and self-doubt? You are more likely to continuously pursue your resolution if the path is paved with good intentions. You should be choosing your goals based no one’s happiness but your own!

2. Keep your resolution realistic

Keep in mind that not all things can be achieved at once. Save yourself the guilt and disappointment by making a plan to achieve your overall goal. Break it down into different pieces and focus on a part or two that is more manageable. You should choose a goal that will have the greatest influence on your happiness, well-being, and sense of fulfillment.

3. Plan a time-frame

Decide when and how often to evaluate your progress. (Whether that be once a month or every couple of weeks). When you experience short-term success and meet your deadlines, you will be more motivated to keep going.

4. Keep track

Keep a journal, write notes on your phone, or do whatever works best for you. By keeping track and taking notes as you go, you will have the ability to reflect on the elements of your routine that are working and those that are not. When you find yourself in a rut, take a look at your comments, and go back to the habits that sparked your determination.

5. Create a support group

Friends and family can hold you accountable and encourage you during tough times. Surround yourself with the people close to you that want to see you succeed! You could even consider joining a club or a group of people that have similar goals as you. That way, your environment will always serve as a place for inspiration.

6. Don’t give up

Remain patient. Progress isn’t linear, so you WILL have ups and downs. Resilience is crucial to your success. If you never give up, you will always be one step closer to triumph. When you find yourself feeling discouraged, acknowledge your obstacles and recommit to your purpose. When you think of your resolution, see it for the journey and not the outcome.

7. Celebrate little victories

When you experience success, revel in it! Of course, celebrate in a way that doesn’t go against all your hard work and accomplishments. Give yourself a reward and keep the positive vibes coming. You deserve it!


Don’t be afraid to start over; it’s a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you truly want. The best is yet to come! To learn more about goal setting, check out this article.