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Your day starts just like any other. Your super obnoxious quacking ringtone wakes you up at exactly 7:42AM giving you just enough time to roll out of bed, (maybe) brush your teeth, and attend your 8:00AM class. The temptation to snooze is substantial, but with one big groan, you sling your backpack over your shoulder. Before stumbling off to class in your pajama pants, you trip over a pile of assignments similar in size to the dirty laundry sitting in the corner. It’s a classic mid-semester slump, and you are running out of steam. With so many tasks to accomplish, now is the moment to reclaim your time. To get back in the groove, here are a few ways to renew your motivation:

1. Set small goals

Prioritize the easier tasks on your to-do list. Think of these small goals as the warm up before your more difficult work. Surely, accomplishing tasks that are less time-consuming will get your gears turning again! With these small victories, you will gain motivation to tackle more challenging projects.

2. Reward yourself

Acknowledge all your hard work and dedication to the daily grind. By giving yourself a reward, you’ll be inspired to keep pushing until the end (or until your next prize). Don’t be shy, and take time for yourself at the end of the week. Eat the ice cream, spend time with friends, and let the hard work pay off!

3. Clear your mind

We’ve all done it: ranted to our friends about our stress, continued to stress about how much we’re stressing, and then stress-ate an entire pot of mac-n-cheese. Grumbling isn’t going to get anything done, so take a hot sec to relax. Close your eyes, listen to some tunes, build a blanket fort… just find a way to calm down. Think about how amazing you will feel when you’re all done! Once you’re ready to return to your studies, give it your all and really immerse yourself in your work. Hopefully, you will come back with a fresh perspective and restore motivation!

4. Move around

Sitting around in one spot can be boring and mundane. To keep your mind sharp, get out of your dorm or apartment and study in a different spot. Take your books under the shade of a tree, find an outdoor coffee pavilion, or go to your favorite spot on campus. Changing locations can keep those creative juices flowing, so you’ll be able to finish whatever is put on your plate.

5. Be proactive

What exactly does it mean to be proactive? It’s taking the initiative to prepare for whatever is thrown your way. Rather than reacting to your environment, make things happen by predicting and planning for your future. Proactive individuals anticipate potential challenges, and formulate ways to conquer those problems before they become massive obstacles. For example: If you expect a class to be particularly demanding, visit office hours or pursue a tutor before the first exam. Rather than wait for a poor grade to motivate you to get the help you need, take action before it becomes a tangible issue.

6. Ask yourself some questions

Believe it or not, there is great power in asking questions. They help you spark creativity, ignite original ideas, and revitalize interest. When you are feeling uninspired, answer these questions: How can I have more fun doing this? What’s good about this situation? How can I continue moving forward? What’s the next best step that I can take?

7. Express gratitude

Think about your long-term goals, and provoke enthusiasm by giving thanks. Recognize all that has helped you in your journey thus far. Appreciate your health and your support system for giving you the opportunity to pursue your education. By altering your perspective and acknowledging grateful emotions, your education will feel more like a privilege than a burden.

8. Surround yourself with positive people

Find yourself a group of friends that are animated about their lives and their aspirations. That kind of zest is contagious. Build relationships with those who boost you up, challenge you, and support you. You may have heard the phrase, “You are the sum of your 5 closest friends.” With that in mind, surround yourself with people you admire!

9. Don’t give up

Motivation is not a permanent state of being. The same way you have good days and bad days, motivation ebbs and flows, moving back and forth. If you’re feeling discouraged, take solace in the fact that your enthusiasm WILL come back. Stick with it! Through all the ups and downs, have confidence in your journey.